The Immortal Gentleman

"One heart break towards a woman can lead to a poet's cruel fate that is worse than death; Immortality."


Name: Unknown
Alias: "Bandit", "The Immortal Gentleman", "Mr. Robinson"
Age: Unknown(Appears to be 28 Years Old)
Birth Of Date: 1835(Reborn in 1863 as an Immortal)
"Bandit"(Real name; Unknown) is a Gun for Hire and Bartender in a bar called "St. Tricky" in Chicago. But in truth, he's a man who is cursed with immortality.During the 1800s. Bandit was a rising poet who is destined to greatness with his poets, but also happens to be a well-known womanizer until one day, he broke a heart of a cherokee native american woman named Sophia after a one night stand with her. The day after that, Bandit was shot by one of the rioters during a riot was ensue in the American Civil War years and he was caught in the middle of it.As he lays on his back feeling his life is fading away, the same woman he broke her heart with the other day appears in front of his dying corpse and reveals herself to be a Native American Deity named "Selu", as she secretly put a curse of immortality on him as his punishment for breaking her heart after their one night stand, remaining immortal until the end of time.Now living in the present cursed with immortality as punishment thanks to the deity, Bandit live his life as a bartender and as a gun for hire.



Bandit was cursed immortality by a Native Amarican Deity disguised as a mortal. He also has regenerating abilities which he got from his immortality, but still can feel pain before the wounds and injuries he receives starts to heal.

[Savate Training]

Bandit knows self-defense, in a form of Savate(French Boxing). He learned how to do Savate in his time in France during the year of 1876 when he met a rugged sailor who saved him from a group of thugs who attempt to steal his money in the city of Marseille. The sailor thought what he knows of Savate to Bandit, which eventually lead for Bandit to become a savateur himself during his time in Marseille, leading him to get 9 victories and 2 losses before he left the country.



An ancient revolver that Bandit uses occasionally when he does mercenary jobs outside bar work. Named "The Duke", the revolver was once use by a known rogue cowboy named Douglas "The Duke" Cassidy, before he died during a showdown with the sheriff in town. This revolver doesn't run out of bullets when in use. The revolver doesn't ran out of bullets and can fire quickdraw shots at a speed of sound.


A Pocket Watch that he always brings. Before his untimely death, this Pocket Watch was a gift from a childhood friend of his named Alice Wilson, whom he named after her. He brings this Pocket Watch in all times as some sort of a charm.


A Tomahawk Axe of Native American descent, which is made from the fangs of the "Skinwalker(Yee Naaldlooshii)" named Selene Cochise, who cause havoc in a village for revenge of her tribe's death at the hands of a gang of rogue cowboys in 1769. Selene was eventually executed after the townspeople captured her and a white blacksmith uses her fangs to forge the blade of this axe, and the wood handle was made from a sacred indian oak. The soul of Selene was eventually reside within the weapon thanks to a forbidden ritual performed by a Navajo Shaman.


The "Andenken"(Souvenir) is a Luger Pistol that was once owned by Hans Krieger, a ruthless Nazi general during the World War II. Krieger was known for his dirty hand tactics and efficiency in firearms, and also known for orchestrating the massacre of Jews during the "Shoah(Holocaust)" in Austria.This pistol was a gift he received from the Führer for his service, but he eventually use this pistol to shoot himself when the Nazis are on the verge of surrender during the final months of the World War II. Upon Krieger's death, his soul eventually reside within the pistol since and and it can shoot a high caliber bullet. And much like Chrono, it doesn't run out of bullets.


The "Headhunter" is a Indigenous Curved Sword of Seediq(Indigenous Taiwanese People) origin that was once owned by a known Seediq Savage Tribesman, whose name is unknown. The Seediq Savage who use this Curved Sword is known for decapitating the heads of his enemies, earning him the moniker "Headhunter".During the Musha Incident of 1930(A.K.A. "The Wushe Rebellion"), the Tribesman manage to kill about 34 Colonial Japanese Soldiers, but this unnamed Tribesman met his end after 6 Colonial Japanese Soldiers shoot him down with about 7 bullets after trying to let his fellow tribesmen cross the bridge. His body eventually falls off the bridge and through the river waters of the forest. The Tribesman's spirit was suppose to cross the rainbow bridge to meet with his ancestors' souls to receive eternal life as a "Seediq Bale(Real Seediq)", but unfortunately his spirit was trapped in this very curved sword since.


The "Typewriter" is a Submachine Gun that was invented by WW1 US General John T. Thompson. This very Submachine Gun was the very first of it's kind that Thompson manufactured for the 1st World War. After the war ended, Thompson retired from the army and reside in his home in New York.Unfortunately for Thompson, he died at the hands of the New York Mafia after he decline to let them acquire the remaining large quantity of his Tommy Guns, resulting him to showered by lead from the Mafia with this very same Tommy Gun that was use to kill.Thompson's soul eventually possessed this Submachine Gun and is thirst for blood since after the Mafia stained the name of the weapon he invented for the World War.

[Story-related NPCs]

[Amanda Tsai]

Name: Amanda Ling Tsai
Alias: 保護者(Protector), Mandy
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Tainan, Taiwan
Race: Half-Taiwanese, Half-Korean
Birth Of Date: August 13
Nationality: Taiwanese-American
Occupation: Bartender, ex-Assassin for Hire, ex-Triad member
Amanda Ling Tsai is a bartender who works in St. Tricky and is a Taiwanese-Korean descent. She use to be a member of the taiwanese Triad. At the young age, her family died in a kidnapping incident as Amanda was kidnapped and was forced to train to become an assassin for the Taiwanese Triad. At the age of 20, she became the Triad's known assassin and will kill anyone in one swift.But, her life has eventually been turned around by Bandit as he convinced her to start her life anew by turning on her group and aiding him to kill the head boss of the White Tiger Branch of the Triad, who is responsible for her Family's death. She now resides in Chicago city living independently with Bandit providing her income.

[Sophia Driftwood]

Name: Sophia Driftwood
Alias: "The Deity", Selu; The Corn Goddess, "The Manipulation Artist"
Age: Unknown
Race: Cherokee Goddess
Sophia Driftwood is a Cherokee Deity whom Bandit had a one night stand with during the 1860s. Bandit met Sophia when he was in a bar in New York and both end up having sex after a few drinks of wine in a local bar. Unbeknownst to Bandit, he was having sex with a literal goddess who want to bare another child after her own two sons betrayed her, but her plan backfired when Bandit left the room the next morning, a habit Bandit does as a womanizer.Out of anger, Sophia put a curse on Bandit that she believes is more worse than death; immortality. On the day when Bandit got killed in a middle of the New York riots of the American Civil War in 1863; she reveals herself to be the Cherokee Deity known as "Selu", and reveals to him that he cursed him with Immortality.Nowadays, she occasionally visits Bandit to tease him for her own delight and secretly aids him on his jobs if she feels like it.

[Ilja Ivankov]

Name: Ilja Ivankov
Alias: "придурок(Golem)"
Age: 45
Place of Birth: Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Race: Russian
Birth of Date: November 26
Nationality: Russian
Occupation: Bouncer, ex-Member of the Russian Mafia, ex-Convict
Ilja Ivankov is an ex-Convict from Russia. At youth, he was an aspiring Athlete who is set to compete at the Olympics in the Strongmen category, but he was rejected to join the competition as he was being framed of steroid use. Unfortunately, this lead him to a life of crime as he became a member of the Russian Mafia until his arrest, which lead him to be sentenced in the country's maximum prison for over 23 years.After his release, he decide to leave his country and moved to America to start his life anew. Eventually, he was hired by Bandit in St.Tricky bar as it's bouncer.

[Cindy Clemets]

Name: Cindy Clemets
Age: 23
Place of Birth: San Diego, California
Race: American
Birth of Date: November 26
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bar Owner, Temporary Bartender(in St. Tricky)
Cindy Clemets is a Bar Owner of a Bar in San Diego named "Queens & Spades Saloon" and the Moonshine provider for St. Tricky Bar. She met Bandit when he visited San Diego to take down the ghost of Brown Spurs Brooks(A.K.A. Billy Banshee) as her father was a victim of Brooks' evil ghost.She tries to perfect her father's Moonshine recipe but to no avail until Bandit visited her bar, giving some criticism to it and suggest more sugar and corn syrup to make it sweeter. Since then, she provides Bandit's bar with her moonshine while still perfect her late father's recipe.

[Shinji Fujiwara]

Name: Shinji Fujiwara(Real Name; Sho Tanaka)
Alias: "Kamaitachi", "Shinji", "The Disgraced Yakuza"
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Race: Japanese
Birth of Date: May 01
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Bartender, ex-Yakuza
Shinji Fujiwara(Real Name: Sho Tanaka) is a disgraced Yakuza who use to work for the Yamaguchi-gumi. He is known for his alias "Kamaitachi" dues to him killing his enemies at blinding speed, and was well-respected with his fellow Yakuza.But, he eventually requested to quit his clan and the Yakuza Underworld after accidentally killed an innocent single mother & two of her children in the middle of a gang war. His then leader granted his request, but not without getting himself beaten up by his former fellow yakuza and got his pinky finger cut after they are done.Since then, he left his own country in shame and move to Chicago to start over where he became a bartender for St. Tricky. where he used his experience of his sidejob as a bartender serving drinks to the Yakuza.